The guiding principles of MASHAV's Projects are sustainability and replicability. The focus is on capacity building activities in areas in which Israel has comparative advantage and accumulated expertise. MASHAV projects include establishing demonstration infrastructures which serve as a platform for training, extension and transfer of advanced Israeli technologies. Projects are designed in host countries in cooperation with local and international partners.
Centers of Excellence in Agriculture (CoE)
MASHAV’s agricultural and rural development program concentrates in the introduction of modern agro-technologies and effective support systems, designed to increase the levels, sustainability and quality of agricultural production to ensure food security, and enhance economic viability in areas such as marketing, storage and transport, the supply of agricultural inputs, and the upgrading the work of extension services.
One model is establishing Centers of Excellence in Agriculture, which provide a suitable platform for a rapid transfer of technology to the farmers. Agricultural technologies such as protected cultivation, drip irrigation and fertigation are adapted to local conditions and demonstrated at the centers with the overall goal of being adopted later on by the farmers to increase their yields and productivity and improve the quality of produce.
The Centers are established according to the requirements and needs of the host country. They address both small and large farm holders thus offering a wide range of agricultural practices to enable all to benefit from the new technologies, and serve as a regional demonstration and capacity building hubs to boost vegetable and fruits yields, productivity and improve quality, hence increasing the income of smallholder farmers and generating employment opportunities through the improvement of the value-chains.

Establishment of Emergency and Trauma Units
Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being at all ages is essential to sustainable development. MASHAV, in alignment with the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development is committed to develop and implement inclusive and resilient health-related programs in order to provide equitable access to quality health services for all.
MASHAV shares with fellow nations Israel’s extensive experience in the field of urgent medicine and trauma care including the establishment of state-of-the-art Emergency and Trauma Units.
The units are donated by MASHAV and are constructed within the premises of a referral hospital according to Israeli standards. The projects are accompanied by Israeli experts, who train the local medical and technical staff on-site. The overall goal is to create a framework for upgrading peripheral critical medical and health care services through the introduction of modern intensive care units to increase access to immediate emergency services. The latest units were recently established in Togo, South Sudan and Chad.

Education for Sustainable Development in Kenya: The project consisted on a long term training program geared towards educators. MASHAV brought Kenyan educators to Israel to discuss measures and techniques necessary to create practical, sustainable, and modern school systems back in their communities.

Introducing Change in Early Childhood Education in Kumasi, Ghana: The program was based on the following aspects
- Empowerment of the teachers to apply ECD methods to form the basis for further education while stressing the teachers' vital role in the process as mediators between the child and the world around him.
- Creating a rich and stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environment in the kindergarten bringing the outside world into the kindergarten for the child to experience.
- Building a flexible curriculum and daily schedule based on the children’s world and providing opportunities for developing creativity and thinking skills in the child.